Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Grants with Industry

Industrial Contracts and Donations

Technology Transfer with 3Delight

Participants : Ares Lagae, George Drettakis.

The Gabor noise technology transfer with 3Delight http://www.3delight.com/ , developer of high performance rendering software, has been finalized.


Participants : Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.

Autodesk has offered a significant cash donation to REVES in support of our work on intrinsic images. We are in the process of establishing a working collaboration with the local office in Sophia-Antipolis on this topic and negociating a technology transfer agreement for the RID system on single-lighting condition intrinsic images. Autodesk has also donated several licenses of Maya, 3DS Max and SketchBookPro.


Participants : Pierre-Yves Laffont, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.

In the context of our collaboration with Adobe (project with S. Paris and F. Durand from MIT), we have received a cash donation in support of our research.


We have received several graphics cards as part of the professor partnership program.